Make amazing Youtube video
with automatic editing

Script, record, edit videos at scale in only one AI tool.
Join 500+ people who make gorgeous videos for
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What our clients say

How would you define Yopbox in one sentence?

"Yopbox made video editing a breeze! The automatic AI-powered editing and removal of silence improved my videos' quality. The prompter feature kept me on track, and the script templates were a lifesaver. Highly recommend!" - Mark S.

Mark S.

25K subscribers

Yopbox simplified video creation for me. The automatic editing, brand integration, and multiple formats made my content look professional. It's user-friendly, and the UX/UI design is beautiful."

Sophie M

2K subscribers

"Yopbox exceeded my expectations. The automatic subtitles saved me time, and the AI-powered editing made my videos shine. The script templates and prompter were invaluable. Great tool!"

Alex G.

2K subscribers

"Yopbox is a game-changer! The automatic editing, multiple formats, and prompter feature streamlined my video production. It's user-friendly and helped me create professional content effortlessly."

Ryan W.

8K subscribers

"Yopbox made video creation a joy. The automatic editing enhanced my footage, while the script templates provided structure. The brand integration and prompter feature were icing on the cake!"

Emma L.

3K subscribers

Yopbox transformed my YouTube channel. The automatic removal of silence, script templates, and brand integration took my videos to the next level. The UX/UI design is fantastic too!"

Lily T.

16K subscribers

"Yopbox revolutionized my video creation process. The automatic editing, seamless brand integration, and user-friendly interface made creating YouTube videos a breeze. Yopbox is an essential tool for any aspiring content creator."

Sarah M.

6K subscribers

"Yopbox is a must-have for creators. The automatic subtitles, brand integration, and UX/UI design are top-notch. It's user-friendly and helped me produce high-quality videos easily."

Jason P.

5K subscribers
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

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Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the product and billing.
How does Yopbox work?
Yopbox leverages advanced AI algorithms to automate various aspects of video creation. It offers features such as automatic removal of silence and filler words, AI-powered editing, script templates, brand integration, prompter, and support for multiple video formats.
Who can benefit from using Yopbox?
Yopbox is perfect for content creators, entrepreneurs, small business owners, or anyone looking to create high-quality YouTube videos without the need for complex video editing software or technical expertise.
What makes Yopbox different from other video editing tools?
Yopbox stands out with its user-friendly interface, beautiful UX/UI design, and a range of automation features. The automatic removal of silence and filler words, AI-powered editing, and script templates save you time and effort, making video creation effortless and efficient.
Can I create videos in different formats with Yopbox?
Yes! Yopbox offers support for various video formats, including vertical, square, and horizontal. This enables you to optimize your videos for different platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok, reaching a wider audience with tailored content.
Is Yopbox suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! Yopbox is designed with beginners in mind. The script templates provide structure and guidance, and the step-by-step guides help you record videos seamlessly. The intuitive interface and automation features make video creation accessible to users with any level of experience.
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